TA6 Overall Meeting



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Meeting ID: 692 2666 6230

Passcode: 112067

Participants: S Wagner, A Göggelmann, C Schneide, M Giffels, R Spreckels, H Israel, A Montanari, D Ohse, H Stiele, "simma" (Name not resolved), B Achkar, C Wissing, M Wigard, O Michaelis, R Marx, E Sacchi, F Bertoldi, A Geiser, M Zacharias


1) Introduction
- Overarching aspect in TA6 at the moment: 
-> improvement needed on interaction with(in) NFDI; even though with communities it is improving 
-> representatives of PUNCH must be in various NFDI working groups, feedback remains an issue

2) WP status
- WP1: results page is now online and an initial version of physics.tools is done
- WP2: Some issue with "Unity", but updates in recent versions to allow for group claims, which is enabled, but not yet documented
- WP3: Metadata scheme works aligned now with TA3 and TA5; Effelsberg data progress a bit slow now, as people can only work on a voluntarily basis, but a good concept to link data to other astronomical archives exists now; deliverables behind schedule
- WP4: Link to ESCAPE being pursued
- WP5: Trying to integrate "Göttingen" into the Compute4Punch structure

3) Deliverable reports
- Reports are meant to be short, if there are more details, please publish them in a different way
- WP1: D-2 and D-3 finalized

4) Conference Material Hub
- Suggestion to establish an official (intranet) table where conference material (presentations) is posted and kept track of
- Currently there are 2 similar intranet pages ("Publications" and "Conferences")
-> CS suggests to use the "Conference" page for only conference material, and the other one for publications (papers + talks given at not-conferences)
- Is it useful for people? 
-> AG: Is it easier to provide links to overview pages of the external communities only instead of posting by hand? -> These links could be provided for people to check, but we still need to keep track of where people go. 
-> SW suggests to use the "Conference" page as a collection for all presentations and posters irrespective of where these have been shown (which must be filled by every PUNCH member giving a PUNCH presentation), while the "Publications" page could be used for everything else (papers, also conference proceedings papers, etc).

5) Meeting Calendar Tool
- CS reports on a mattermost board tool to keep track of conferences/meetings/calls/etc, relatively easy manual entries to be made, use it additionally? Would require someone to synchronize the various "calendars"
- RM made a little tool to read the information from the indico calendars, which could be send to another website; another possibility would be to use EMail communication, where a simple Email can be used to make an entry to the calendar(?), and also send those around to mailing lists with an overview of the upcoming events within the next N days; maybe this script could also talk to the mattermost board tool to create an entry there
- CS stresses that the indico calendar is not meant to be shared to the outside world and one still needs to keep track of who attended what meeting; RM says that both are in principle possible (but call attendance may only be checked after the call)
- CW asks what the main issues actually were? 
- OM has some concern over querying the zoom APIs (privacy, etc)
- SW points out that OM's point is actually beyond the point of the discussion about keeping track of conferences/meetings (->CW)
- No consensus; more discussion needed (-> WP1)

6) Report session NFDI calls
- canceled due to time

7) AoB
- nothing


Minutes by MZ

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:00 10:05
      TA6 introduction 5m
    • 10:05 10:20
      TA6 WP status 15m


    • 10:20 10:30
      TA6 deliverable reports 10m
    • 10:30 10:40
      Conference Material Hub 10m
    • 10:40 10:50
      Meeting Calendar Tool 10m
    • 10:50 11:00
      Report session NFDI calls 10m
    • 11:00 11:05
      AOB 5m