13 – 14 November 2024, Hamburg
This workshop aims to connect members of the Excellence Cluster “Understanding Written Artefacts” (UWA) by the University of Hamburg and curators, conservators, archaeologists, and art historians with DESY scientists. The focus is to showcase and discuss applications of synchrotron radiation in the domain of cultural heritage. This workshop offers a unique occasion for networking between different scientific communities and facilitates interdisciplinary research.
The workshop will focus on the following topics:
DESY is currently planning an upgrade of the synchrotron radiation source PETRA III to PETRA IV, which will be a unique 3D X-ray microscope that will offer exceptional research possibilities for the fields of art, archaeometry, and conservation of heritage objects. The workshop will provide an outlook on research possibilities at PETRA IV and a unique opportunity to formulate requirements towards an ideal experimental set-up by users from different fields.
The workshop elements:
13 November 2024: Keynote and Dinner at the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures
Universität Hamburg, Warburgstraße 26, 20354 Hamburg
14 November 2024: Workshop and guided tour of the DESY Campus
Seminar Room FLASH, Building 28c, DESY Campus, Notkestraße 85, 22607 Hamburg
Online participation with Q&A Option via https://desy.zoom.us/j/69500455243
Please register until 6 November 2024.
The detailed agenda and speakers will follow in due course.
Questions or suggestions regarding the research opportunities at PETRA III and IV before the workshop are very welcome and can be sent to katrin.zerbe@desy.de or agnieszka.helman-wazny@uni-hamburg.de
Best regards on behalf of the Organization Team, we hope to see you soon,
Prof. Dr. Agnieszka Helman-Wazny and Katrin Zerbe