This workshop shall bring together the beamline scientists and involved active users of the Nuclear Resonance beamlines/instruments around the world. With the various upgrade programs of the facilities and beamlines - either already implemented or under full swing – it is timely to evaluate the current situation and to look in the future.
What are the visions for the future, scientifically and technically? What has already been implemented or is planned for the upgraded and new beamlines, respectively? Are there new techniques, measuring and detector schemes anticipated? Are there exciting new experiments and directions by the users’ community? What are the challenges of the upgrades as seen by the x-ray sources and the beamlines? What will be the impact of the new FELs?
The workshop will focus on overview presentations from the various nuclear resonance instruments at APS, DESY, ESRF, and SPring-8, complemented by shorter talks on specific subjects. Furthermore, the challenges of the upgraded x-ray sources will be highlighted as well as the development at HEPS and the challenges at XFELs.
The workshop – around the SRI 2024 in Hamburg (Germany) – will be jointly organized by beamline scientists from the corresponding facilities at the DESY site from Saturday, 24th August (after lunch) to lunchtime Monday, 26th August 2024. We aim for a face-to-face meeting with ample time for discussion and, after several years of on-line meetings, to meet in person. Oral presentations will be by invitation only. Interested scientists/users are welcome to attend. Contributed posters are welcome and will be displayed during the entire workshop in the lecture hall.
Following the workshop on Monday afternoon, visits to the beamlines at PETRA III are organized in the framework of the SRI 2024.
APS: Jiyong Zhao, E. Ercan Alp, Thomas Toellner, Michael Hu
DESY: Ilya Sergeev, Hans-Christian Wille
ESRF: Aleksandr I. Chumakov, Dimitrios Bessas, Rudolf Rüffer
HEPS: Wei Xu
SPring-8: Alfred Q. R. Baron, Yoshitaka Yoda