Building Consortia in ErUM-Data


This is a survey of the ErUM-Data-Hub, with the support of DIG-UM, aimed at ErUM-Data Scientists from all 8 ErUM communities

The aim of the survey is to support ErUM-Scientists in forming consortia to collaborate on ErUM-Data projects and on proposals for the next ErUM-Data Call. Please also use the survey to share your needs regarding further support measures. 

How to stay informed?

Subscribe to the Consortia in ErUM-Data mailing list to stay up-to-date. This list ( is for the ErUM-Data community interested in establishing consortia and finding likeminded peers, especially regarding the upcoming ErUM-Data Call and will provide you with information on the ErUM-Data Call and invitations to networking events.

Where to find more info?


Our goal: 

  • We want to connect you with other ErUM scientists working on similar issues.
  • We want to support you in finding collaborators to write ErUM-Data proposals together.
  • We want to help you expand and consolidate your network in ErUM-Data.


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