
PETRA III Science Seminar | Energy-domain Mössbauer Spectroscopy Using Synchrotron Radiation

by Satoshi Tsutsui (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)

SR I - III (CFEL, bldg. 99)


CFEL, bldg. 99


Development of nuclear resonant scattering techniques allows us to measure various observables. Energy-domain Mössbauer spectroscopy is one of the applications of nuclear resonant scattering. Energy-domain Mössbauer spectroscopy enables us to apply to detect slow-dynamics as well as hyperfine interactions. 

To observe hyperfine interactions with synchrotron radiation sources, nuclear resonant forward scattering may be familiar. But, synchrotron–radiation-based (SR-based) Mössbauer spectroscopy was established as a hyperfine spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation at SPring-8 [1]. This technique can apply all the Mössbauer nuclei and enable us to measure energy-domain Mössbauer spectra like those obtained by radio-active sources. One of the benefits in the SR-based Mössbauer spectroscopy is to measure spectra with train-bunched X-rays. In addition, we just started spectral analyses based on data science recently [2].

Observation of slow dynamics using was developed by synchrotron radiation sources and radio-active sources [3, 4]. This technique was realized by an extremely narrow resonant bandwidth in Mössbauer effect, ~ neV region. Nuclear gamma-ray quasi-elastic spectroscopy was established as time-domain measurements and has also been established as energy-domain measurements in SPring-8 [5]. 


[1] M. Seto et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 217602 (2009). 

[2] R. Moriguchi et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 91, 104002 (2022). 

[3] D. C. Champeney et al., J. Phys. 1, 620 (1968). 

[4] A. Q. R. Baron et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 2823 (1997). 

[5] M. Saito et al., “Synchrotron Radiation-Based Quasi-Elastic Scattering Using Mössbauer Gamma Ray with neV-Energy Resolution” in Inelastic X-ray Scattering and X-ray Powder Diffraction Applications ed. B. A. Cunsolo, M K. K. D. Franco and F. Kokaichiya (2019).