Within the framework of openCost, the project team has developed a metadata schema for costs associated with scholarly publishing, in collaboration with a number of various stakeholders. In addition to modelling cost data for individual items, modelling of contracts and their associated costs has also been developed. The metadata schema is needed to enable an automated and standardised exchange of cost data in order to improve cost transparency on an institutional, national and international level. For data exchange, openCost proposes the well-established OAI-PMH protocol, leading us to propose an XML serialisation first.
In this talk we present the results in detail and some use cases. The first part focuses on the schema for fee-based, individual articles, which includes Open Access (e.g. APC) and non-Open Access costs (e.g. page or colour charges) as well as costs for processing fees (e.g. costs for bank transfer, credit cards etc.). In the second part, we illustrate the schema for contracts, which contains data related to payment models like transformative agreements, association memberships or subscriptions. In addition to cost data, this schema also includes unique identifiers, allowing individual publications to be directly linked to specific contracts.