
Hamburg Photon Science Colloquium | Non-thermal phases of strongly correlated electrons

by Martin Eckstein (University of Hamburg, Germany)

SemR I-III (CFEL, Bldg. 99)


CFEL, Bldg. 99


Ultrafast laser excitation offers a pathway to explore complex materials, and unveil collective phenomena which are inaccessible in thermal equilibrium. Correlated electron systems at the verge of Mott localisation are a promising class of materials for this endeavour, since they exhibit exotic ordering phenomena already in equilibrium. Key question, which I will address from a theoretical perspective in my talk, are: How can one stabilize such non-thermal phases, extend their lifetimes or even inducing metastability? Can one find a simple universal description, akin to a non-thermal free energy which depends only on few relevant slow variables?

Coffee, tea and cake will be served at 1:45 pm.

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