PITZ collaboration meeting

Seminar room 5 (Villa) (DESY)

Seminar room 5 (Villa)


Platanenallee 6 15738 Zeuthen

Registration Form
  • Wednesday, 18 December
    • 14:00 16:05
      Afternoon Session 1 Seminar room 5 (Villa)

      Seminar room 5 (Villa)


      Platanenallee 6 15738 Zeuthen
      • 14:00
        General Issues: Report from the Collaboration Board Meeting 10m
        Speaker: S. Klepser
      • 14:10
        General Issues: Accelerator R&D and Applications at PITZ 40m
        Speaker: F. Stephan
      • 14:50
        Activities and Laboratory Reports: FLASH News 25m
        Speaker: M. Vogt
      • 15:15
        Activities and Laboratory Reports: FALCO test stand - completion 25m
        Speaker: F. Brinker
      • 15:40
        Reports from PITZ: Status of gun production 25m
        Speaker: A. Oppelt
    • 16:05 16:30
      Break 25m Seminar room 5 (Villa)

      Seminar room 5 (Villa)


      Platanenallee 6 15738 Zeuthen
    • 16:30 18:10
      Afternoon Session 2 Seminar room 5 (Villa)

      Seminar room 5 (Villa)


      Platanenallee 6 15738 Zeuthen
      • 16:30
        Reports from PITZ: New gun-cathode contact spring development 25m
        Speaker: F. Müller
      • 16:55
        Reports from PITZ: NEPALs Status 25m
        Speaker: J. Good
      • 17:20
        Reports from PITZ: Pulse shaping 25m
        Speaker: A. Hoffmann
      • 17:45
        Reports from PITZ: Emittance optimization studies with different laser pulse shapes 25m
        Speaker: S. Zeeshan
    • 19:00 21:00
      Dinner China Restaurant „Kaiserpavillon“

      China Restaurant „Kaiserpavillon“

  • Thursday, 19 December
    • 09:00 10:55
      Morning Session 1 Seminar room 5 (Villa)

      Seminar room 5 (Villa)


      Platanenallee 6 15738 Zeuthen
      • 09:00
        Activities and Laboratory Reports: HZDR: Latest news 25m
        Speaker: A. Ryzhov
      • 09:25
        Reports from PITZ: THz: Latest News 25m
        Speaker: N. Aftab
      • 09:50
        Activities and Laboratory Reports: FTIR spectral measurements at PITZ 20m
        Speaker: E. Zapolnova
      • 10:10
        Activities and Laboratory Reports: Update from Chiang Mai University 25m
        Speaker: K. Kongmali
      • 10:35
        Activities and Laboratory Reports: Future bunch shaping requirements for PWFA at FLASH and EuXFEL 20m
        Speaker: T. Long
    • 10:55 11:15
      Break 20m Seminar room 5 (Villa)

      Seminar room 5 (Villa)


      Platanenallee 6 15738 Zeuthen
    • 11:15 12:55
      Morning Session 2 Seminar room 5 (Villa)

      Seminar room 5 (Villa)


      Platanenallee 6 15738 Zeuthen
      • 11:15
        Activities and Laboratory Reports: INFN Milano: Development of Multi-Alkali Photocathodes for High-Brightness Photoinjectors 25m
        Speaker: S. Mohanty
      • 11:40
        Activities and Laboratory Reports: ARES News 25m
        Speaker: F. Burkart
      • 12:05
        Activities and Laboratory Reports: HZB: Radiobiology experiments at the HZB cyclotron 25m
        Speaker: G. Kourkafas
      • 12:30
        Reports from PITZ: Ongoing realization of FLASHlab@PITZ 25m
        Speaker: E. Tarakci / S. Gohari
    • 12:55 13:45
      Lunch 50m Seminar room 5 (Villa)

      Seminar room 5 (Villa)


      Platanenallee 6 15738 Zeuthen
    • 13:45 15:00
      Afternoon Session Seminar room 5 (Villa)

      Seminar room 5 (Villa)


      Platanenallee 6 15738 Zeuthen
      • 13:45
        Reports from PITZ: Commissioning of the C-Robot in the FLASHlab@PITZ experimental area 25m
        Speaker: D. Villani
      • 14:10
        Reports from PITZ: Dosimetry for radiation biology 25m
        Speaker: F. Riemer
      • 14:35
        Reports from PITZ: Dose estimation tool 25m
        Speaker: Z. Amirkhanyan