13 August 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

We will have a tour of the XFEL experimental site in Schenefeld. The tour includes an introductory talk and a visit to the experiments. Starting time of the tour is 10 am at Schenefeld but you have to start at DESY around 09 am to make it there in time. Please wear closed, flat shoes for your visit to the experiment hall. Large bags and backpacks cannot be taken into the experiment hall, but can be stored safely on site.

We trust that you find your way from DESY to the XFEL site with public transport, e.g. using this HVV search engine. Please take note that it will not be possible that all ~90 summer students take the same bus (the HVV buses are simply not big enough), so form smaller groups and take different buses starting at different times and/or locations.

Meeting point at XFEL will be in building A at the location of the defibrillator - this is at the front desk of the main entrance.  There you will be fetched by the XFEL tour organizers.


The tour finishes at the XFEL site around 12h30 and you will need about 45 minutes for commuting back to DESY.
