23–24 Sept 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

This workshop will focus on novel developments on learning based methods for inverse problems, including supervised learning and unsupervised learning such as learned regularizations and generative models for Bayesian inversion. 
Particular emphasis will be put on the understanding of foundations of learning in this area as well as novel applications including problems in imaging and speech/audio processing.

The timetable can be found here.

Confirmed speakers


We gratefully acknowledge support by the DFG funded priority programme Theoretical Foundations of Deep Learning and Helmholtz Imaging.

Flash Seminar Room
Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg Germany
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Organized by

Danielle Bednarski (Helmholtz Imaging, DESY)
Martin Burger (Helmholtz Imaging, DESY and University of Hamburg)
Timo Gerkmann (University of Hamburg)
Samira Kabri (Helmholtz Imaging, DESY)
Tim Roith (Helmholtz Imaging, DESY)
Lukas Weigand (Helmholtz Imaging, DESY)
Simon Welker (University of Hamburg)