CP3-Origins/DESY/Göttingen Autumn School on Particle Physics and Cosmology

Seminar Room 2, Building 2a (DESY)

Seminar Room 2, Building 2a


Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
Francesco Sannino (CP3-Origins - SDU), Georg Weiglein (DESY), Laura Covi (DESY)


This Autumn School is dedicated to first/second year Ph.D. students in theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology.

Invited speakers and topics

  • J. R. Andersen "QCD Phenomenology/MC"
  • J. Haller "LHC first results"
  • A. Hebecker "String Phenomenology"
  • S. Heinemeyer "Higgs and BSM Phenomenology"
  • W. Porod "Neutrino and Flavour Physics"
  • F. Sannino "Technicolor and strongly coupled theories"
  • C. Scrucca "SUSY and SUGRA"
  • A. Weiler "Beyond the SM Models"
  • A. Westphal "Inflation"
  • P. Ullio "Dark Matter"
  • There will be a short talk session giving participants the opportunity to present their research projects. If you are interested to speak, please submit an abstract following the link on the left.
    • Alexander Westphal
    • Andrea Borghese
    • Andreas Weiler
    • Angnis Schmidt-May
    • Arjen van Vliet
    • Arthur Hebecker
    • Beranger Dumont
    • Chris Kouvaris
    • Christian Staudt
    • Claudio Pica
    • Claudio Scrucca
    • Danilo Paulikat
    • Dirk Rathlev
    • Dominik Werder
    • Esben Mølgaard
    • Eugenio Del Nobile
    • Federico Dradi
    • Francesca Calore
    • Georg Weiglein
    • Ilmar Gahramanov
    • Jakob Jark Jørgensen
    • Jan Hajer
    • Jan Heisig
    • Jeppe Andersen
    • Johannes Haller
    • Jonathan Davis
    • Julia Harz
    • Jussi Virkajärvi
    • Kai Schmitz
    • Laura Covi
    • Lisa Zeune
    • Mahdi Poormohammdi
    • Marco Nardecchia
    • Mariam Saleh Khan
    • Markus Rummel
    • Matin Mojaza
    • Mirco Wörmann
    • Moritz Meinecke
    • Ninetta Saviano
    • Oleg Antipin
    • Paolo Panci
    • Philipp Levermann
    • Piero Ullio
    • Sebastian Novak
    • Sergei Bobrovskyi
    • Stefano Di Chiara
    • Sven Heinemeyer
    • Teoman Soygul
    • Tuomas Hapola
    • Ulrik Soendergaard
    • Valerie Domcke
    • Werner Porod
    • Wojciech Kotlarski
      • 14:30 17:10
        Afternoon Lectures Seminar Room 2, Building 2a

        Seminar Room 2, Building 2a


        Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
        • 14:30
          Technicolor and strongly coupled theories 1h
          Speaker: Prof. Francesco Sannino
        • 15:40
          Inflation 1h
          Speaker: Dr Alexander Westphal (DESY)
        • 16:50
          Coffee Break 20m
      • 09:00 13:00
        Morning Lectures Seminar Room 2, Building 2a

        Seminar Room 2, Building 2a


        Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
        • 09:00
          Technicolor and strongly coupled theories 1h
          Speaker: Prof. Francesco Sannino
        • 10:10
          Inflation 1h
          Speaker: Dr Alexander Westphal (DESY)
        • 11:20
          Coffee Break 30m
        • 11:50
          LHC first results 1h
          Speaker: Johannes Haller (University Hamburg)
      • 14:30 17:10
        Afternoon Lectures Seminar Room 2, Building 2a

        Seminar Room 2, Building 2a


        Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
        • 14:30
          SUSY and SUGRA 1h
          Speaker: Claudio Scrucca
        • 15:40
          Neutrino and Flavour Physics 1h
          Speaker: Joern Kersten (Universität Hamburg)
        • 16:50
          Coffee Break 20m
      • 17:10 18:20
        Student's Session Seminar Room 2, Building 2a

        Seminar Room 2, Building 2a


        Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
        • 17:10
          A sufficient condition for de Sitter vacua in type IIB string theory 15m
          We derive a sufficient condition for realizing meta-stable de Sitter vacua with small positive cosmological constant within type IIB string theory flux compactifications with spontaneously broken supersymmetry. There are a number of `lamp post' constructions of de Sitter vacua in type IIB string theory and supergravity. We show that one of them -- the method of `K\"ahler uplifting' by F-terms from an interplay between non-perturbative effects and the leading $\alpha'$-correction -- allows for a more general parametric understanding of the existence of de Sitter vacua. The result is a condition on the values of the flux induced superpotential and the topological data of the Calabi-Yau compactification, which guarantees the existence of a meta-stable de Sitter vacuum if met. Our analysis explicitly includes the stabilization of all moduli, i.e. the K\"ahler, dilaton and complex structure moduli, by the interplay of the leading perturbative and non-perturbative effects at parametrically large volume.
          Speaker: Mr Markus Rummel (University of Hamburg)
        • 17:30
          A Dark Matter Candidate from Inert Doublet Models 15m
          In spite of the fact that the existence of dark matter in the Universe is established, its nature remains unknown. Our aim is to provide a model which offers a candidate for dark matter and simultaneously tries to address some potential problems like CP-violation. The model is an extension of 2HDM with an additional inert doublet along with an unbroken symmetry. The unbroken Z2 symmetry ensures that the lightest particle of this new doublet is absolutely stable and that, it only couples very weakly to ordinary matter indirectly via the heavy gauge bosons. This very weak coupling is necessary in order not to be in conflict with laboratory data. We present that in a significant part of the parameter space the inert charged scalar could be long-lived, leaving displaced vertex in the detector. It enables one to discover the inert charged Higgs over the Standard Model background at the LHC.
          Speaker: Mr Mahdi Poormohammadi (University of Bergen)
        • 17:50
          Matter and Dark Matter from heavy Majorana Neutrino Decay 30m
          The decays of heavy Majorana neutrinos and their superpartners shortly after inflation simultaneously give rise to three crucial ingredients for the hot early universe: (1) the entropy inherent to the thermal radiation that dominates the overall energy density, (2) the matter-antimatter asymmetry and (3) dark matter. For characteristic neutrino parameters baryogenesis can be accomplished by means of nonthermal leptogenesis. At the same time the reheating temperature is controlled by the neutrino lifetime in such a way that thermal production of the gravitino, which we assume to be the lightest superparticle, automatically yields the observed amount of dark matter. This connection between the neutrino sector and supergravity results in constraints on superparticle masses in terms of neutrino masses and vice versa. In order to generate a sufficient neutrino abundance after inflation we consider, as an exampple, neutrino production in the course of tachyonic preheating associated with spontaneous B - L breaking. Our scenario is sensitive to the light neutrino masses and the supergravity mass spectrum and can hence be tested by colliders and in cosmological observations.
          Speaker: Ms Valerie Domcke (DESY)
      • 09:00 13:10
        Morning Lectures Seminar Room 2, Building 2a

        Seminar Room 2, Building 2a


        Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
        • 09:00
          SUSY and SUGRA 1h
          Speaker: Claudio Scrucca
        • 10:10
          Neutrino and Flavour Physics 1h
          Speaker: Joern Kersten (Universität Hamburg)
        • 11:20
          Coffee Break 30m
        • 12:00
          QCD Phenomenology/MC 1h
          Speaker: Dr Jeppe Andersen
      • 14:30 17:10
        Afternoon Lectures Seminar Room 2, Building 2a

        Seminar Room 2, Building 2a


        Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
        • 14:30
          Beyond the SM Models 1h
          Speaker: Andreas Weiler (DESY-T)
        • 15:40
          Higgs and BSM Phenomenology 1h
          Speaker: Sven Heinemeyer (IFCA (CSIC, Santander))
        • 16:50
          Coffee Break 20m
      • 19:30 22:00
        Dinner Restaurant O' Pescador

        Restaurant O' Pescador

        • 19:30
          How to go there 20m
          Speaker: Prof. Laura Covi (Institute for Theoretical Physics - Goettingen University)
      • 09:00 13:00
        Morning Lectures Seminar Room 2, Building 2a

        Seminar Room 2, Building 2a


        Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
        • 09:00
          Higgs and BSM Phenomenology 1h
          Speaker: Sven Heinemeyer (IFCA (CSIC, Santander))
        • 10:10
          QCD Phenomenology/MC 1h
          Speaker: Dr Jeppe Andersen
        • 11:20
          Coffee Break 30m
        • 11:50
          Beyond the SM Models 1h
          Speaker: Andreas Weiler (DESY-T)
      • 14:30 17:10
        Afternoon Lectures Seminar Room 2, Building 2a

        Seminar Room 2, Building 2a


        Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
        • 14:30
          String Phenomenology 1h
          Speaker: Prof. Arthur Hebecker
        • 15:40
          Dark Matter 1h
          Speaker: Prof. Piero Ullio
        • 16:50
          Coffee Break 20m
      • 09:00 13:00
        Morning Lectures Seminar Room 2, Building 2a

        Seminar Room 2, Building 2a


        Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
        • 09:00
          String Phenomenology 1h
          Speaker: Prof. Arthur Hebecker
        • 10:10
          Dark Matter 1h
          Speaker: Prof. Piero Ullio
        • 11:20
          Coffee Break 30m
        • 11:50
          DESY Visit 1h