The Photon Science Christmas Party 2024 will take place on Monday, December 16th at the DESY Canteen starting from 15:00.
As a group of volunteers organizing the event, we will handle the catering shopping. Therefore we kindly ask the participants to register to the event and provide 10 Euros per person until December 12th, 12 pm. Last-minute attendees are always welcome, but having an approximate count in advance would surely be helpful for the shopping.
You can provide 10 Euros per PayPal or in-person through the following volunteers (thanks for the support!):
Desserts, salads, or international delights brought for the buffet will also be greatly appreciated. Please add ingredients on a small card, regarding allergies and food preferences.
If you'd like to offer help or contribute with some live music, please contact Zeynep Isil Isik Dursun.
With kind regards,
FS X-mas Party Organization Volunteers (with the consultancy of Matthias Kreuzeder)