4–7 Oct 2011
Building 5, Hamburg site
Europe/Berlin timezone
Live stream under http://webcast.desy.de/Live/desylive38.htm

Handle OpenAFS Identities with OpenIDM

6 Oct 2011, 09:30
Main Auditorium (Building 5, Hamburg site)

Main Auditorium

Building 5, Hamburg site

Notkestrasse 85 D-22607 Hamburg


Mr Fabrizio Manfredi (-)


OpenIDM is an Identity Management system based on open standards and released in open source. The talk shows how to use openIDM to simplify user management and more consistent user provisioning in OpenAFS environment with external users repository like Directory Server, Database or Active Directory. The session gives you an overview over the setup, scripts and configurations for an enterprise environment as well as experienced problems for Active Directory Integration.

Primary author

Presentation materials