4–7 Oct 2011
Building 5, Hamburg site
Europe/Berlin timezone
Live stream under http://webcast.desy.de/Live/desylive38.htm

Bridging Web-SSO with the real world

6 Oct 2011, 10:20
Main Auditorium (Building 5, Hamburg site)

Main Auditorium

Building 5, Hamburg site

Notkestrasse 85 D-22607 Hamburg


Mr Christof Hanke (RZG openAFS)


SSO for web-applications is only successful in closed environments like company networks. In the academia it is hard to setup collaborative websites without falling back to plain password authentication.
This talk presents a configuration pattern of the apache webserver with some cgi-glue to make use of the local SSO even when external people requires access. The same technique can be used for introducing a new SSO at a site.

Estimated length of presentation<BR>(in minutes, may be changed by chair) 30

Primary author

Mr Christof Hanke (RZG openAFS)

Presentation materials