1–13 Jul 2012
Europe/Berlin timezone
The International School on Strings and Fundamental Physics invites PhD students and postdocs for a two-week event to Hamburg, Germany. The school is organized by the University of Hamburg and DESY with funding from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), PIER, the Excellence Cluster 'Connecting Particles with the Cosmos' and DESY. Internationally well known scientists will give lectures on modern topics in string theory. The first week will cover basics of string theory, while the second week will focus on advanced topics. Several social events are planned. Everybody worldwide, working in the field of string theory, is invited to apply for participation. There is no registration fee. Financial support is available for applicants from selected regions, among them but not restricted to Africa, South America, parts of Asia and parts of Eastern Europe. The aim is to give excellent people who cannot get funding from their home institute the possibility to participate in an international event, and to encourage worldwide contacts and collaborations within the scientific community. The funding will cover any travel costs, accommodation, board and social events. Some participants will have the opportunity to give a brief (5 min) presentation on their research. If participants would like to take the opportunity to visit other universities and institutes in Europe before or after the school, we will be happy to assist in establishing contacts with local scientists. The school will take place at the DESY Campus (more information will follow soon).