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Scientific Computing Seminar

SR 2

SR 2


Meeting ID: 612 4698 7825
password: 019962

    • 14:00 14:35
      Recent Advances in Bayesian Deep Learning 35m

      Combining Bayesian principles with the power of deep learning has long been an attractive direction of research, but its real-world impact has fallen short of the promises. Especially in the context of uncertainty estimation, there seem to be simpler methods that perform at least as well. In this talk, I want to argue that uncertainties are not the only reason to use Bayesian deep learning models, but that they also offer improved model selection and incorporation of prior knowledge. I will showcase these benefits supported by the results of two recent papers and situate them in the context of current research trends in Bayesian deep learning.

      Speaker: Vincent Fortuin (TU Munich)
    • 14:35 15:00
      Discussion 25m