Two distinct UV scales appear in effective field theories (EFTs) arising from a UV-complete theory of quantum gravity. The first one is associated with the emergence of new degrees of freedom and signals the breakdown of the EFT in use. The second one is the quantum gravity cutoff, beyond which quantum gravitational effects become relevant and the very framework of local EFT is expected to break down. In this talk, I will discuss how these two scales show up in the effective action. First, I will focus on how they naturally appear in higher curvature corrections to Einstein gravity. As befits their distinct origins, these two UV scales are associated with different types of contributions to Wilson coefficients. We will explore some of the interesting interplays that arise as a result. If time permits, I will also discuss how they are sometimes unexpectedly hidden in the classical piece of the action. More precisely, I will discuss how the smallest classical extremal black holes in string theory setups precisely probe one of these two scales.