Quattor Workshop

Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7 (DESY Hamburg)

Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

DESY Hamburg

Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg
Uwe Ensslin
    • 12:00
      Welcome Snack and Registration Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

      Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

      DESY Hamburg

      Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg
    • Experience panel Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

      Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

      DESY Hamburg

      Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg

      Sites will present their experiences with the Quattor
      toolset. A wish list will be compiled. Time estimates
      include time for discussions.

      • 1
        Site experiences with Quattor
        Sites are from the list of registrants. Items without presenter are to be confirmed.
        • a) CERN (German Cancio)
        • b) DESY (Uwe Ensslin)
        • c) IIHE/BEgrid (Stijn de Weirdt)
        • d) INFN-CNAF (Andrea Chierici)
        • e) LAL/GRIF (Michel Jouvin)
        • f) Quattor Usage at NIKHEF (Ronald Starink)
        • g) Phillips research (Serge Vrijaldenhoven)
        • h) PIC (Marc Rodriguez Espadamala)
        • i) Trinity College Dublin (Stephen Childs)
        • j) UAM (Jose Del Peso)
      • 2
        Experiences with QWG templates
        Experiences of sites using the QWG templates will be presented and discussed.
      • 15:00
      • 3
        Experiences with YAIM based installations
        Sites will present and discuss experiences made in installing GRID middleware using the YAIM tools
        • a) Experiences with ncm-yaim (Ronald Starink,NIKHEF)
      • 4
        Special use cases from sites
        Sites will present specific uses and developments in more detail, giving demonstrations, if suitable
        • a) Resolving RPM dependencies (Stijn de Weirdt, Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
    • 5
      Visit to the computer center for interested people Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

      Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

      DESY Hamburg

      Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg
    • Special use cases from sites (cont'd) Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

      Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

      DESY Hamburg

      Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg
      • 6
        Creation and controlling of virtual machines (Stephen Childs, Trinity College, Dublin)
      • 7
        Configuring Diskless Systems with Quattor (Matthias Schroeder, CERN)
    • Quattor development Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

      Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

      DESY Hamburg

      Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg

      Developments of the Quattor toolkit will be presented and
      discussed. Time estimates include time for discussions.

      • 8
        Pan compiler update, C++ and Java (Charles Loomis, LAL-Orsay) Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

        Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

        DESY Hamburg

        Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg
      • 9
        QWG templates update (Michel Jouvin, LAL/IN2P3) Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

        Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

        DESY Hamburg

        Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg
        • a) QWG templates update
      • 11:00
        Coffee Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7 (DESY Hamburg)

        Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

        DESY Hamburg

        Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg
      • 10
        CDB update (Marco Emilio Poleggi, CERN,INFN) Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

        Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

        DESY Hamburg

        Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg
      • 11
        Update on how to start SCDB (Michel Jouvin, LAL/IN2P3) Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

        Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

        DESY Hamburg

        Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg
      • 13:00
        Lunch DESY cafeteria (DESY Hamburg)

        DESY cafeteria

        DESY Hamburg

        Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg

        Lunch will be at the DESY cafeteria at your own expense.

      • 12
        Update on core modules maintained at CERN (German Cancio, CERN) Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

        Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

        DESY Hamburg

        Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg
        Progress on modules like spma, ccm, ncm will be presented and discussed
      • 13
        AII overview (Ronald Starink, NIKHEF) Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

        Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

        DESY Hamburg

        Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg
      • 15:00
        Coffee Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7 (DESY Hamburg)

        Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

        DESY Hamburg

        Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg
      • 14
        CDB schema change for blockdevices Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

        Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

        DESY Hamburg

        Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg
        A change to the CDB schema has been at proposed at CERN. It will be discussed by the participants.
      • 15
        Discussion of namespaces and loadpaths Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

        Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

        DESY Hamburg

        Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg
        • a) A namespace proposal (German Cancio, CERN)
        • b) Namespaces in QWG
    • 19:00
      Workshop dinner See 'workshop dinner' from the navigation bar (bok restaurant)

      See 'workshop dinner' from the navigation bar

      bok restaurant

      bok Restaurant Schulterblatt 3 20357 Hamburg telefon 040 . 431 900 0
    • Quattor development (cont'd) Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

      Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

      DESY Hamburg

      Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg
      • 16
        Discussion of namespaces and loadpath's (cont'd)
    • Outlook Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

      Seminarroom 7a, Bldg. 7

      DESY Hamburg

      Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg
      • 17
        Date and location of the next workshop
      • 18
        Missing features in Pan (all)
      • 19
        Roadmaps and stability of Quattor (all)
      • 11:00
      • 20
        Review of open items on Savanna
        Discussion of open entries in savanna, especially their priorities.