Theory Colloquium

Radio signals from galactic and extragalactic dark matter - CANCELED

by Nicolao Fornengo (INFN Torino)

build. 2a, SR 2 (DESY)

build. 2a, SR 2


Among the indirect-detection signals of dark-matter particles present in our Galaxy and in the extragalactic environment, radio signals have recently gained interest since it has been shown that current and proposed radio detectors could have the capabilities to identify a signal over the astrophysical radio background, at the same level if not better than the other techniques based on higher-energy multiwavelength emission or low-energy cosmic rays. In this talk we report recent results on dark matter signals in the radio band, by discussing both the galactic signal and the cosmological emission, and identifying how radio signals stand as compared to the other particle dark matter searches at different wavelengths and with different messengers.