Workshop on Ion Physics Studied with High Energy Photons

Bldg. 99, CFEL, DESY

Bldg. 99, CFEL, DESY

Notkestrasse 85 22607 Hamburg
Henrik B. Pedersen (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University), Oriol Vendrell (Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, DESY)
The aim of the workshop is to highlight the exciting possibilities for studies of fundamental processes involving ions and ionization that arises at the new light sources in the xuv and x-ray regimes. The workshop thus wishes to bring together scientists interested the physics of ions in a broad sense, from properties of isolated ions in the gas phase to the role of ions in natural environments. The workshop will be organized as a single day event on Wednesday, January 23rd 2013 as a satellite to the Photon Science users meeting (January 24-25), and will consist of four sessions with invited talks highlighting part of the field of ion physics relevant to the new light sources. The workshop will end with a poster session (sandwiches will be served) where we invite contributions from both ongoing and future research initiatives related to the study of ions at the new light sources in the xuv and x-ray regimes.
    • 08:30
    • 1
      Speakers: Henrik Pedersen (Aarhus Universitet), Dr Oriol Vendrell (CFEL/DESY)
    • Excited potential energy surfaces
    • 2
      F. Martín: VUV/X-ray light for imaging and electronic control in molecules
    • 3
      A. Wolf: Ionization and fragmentation of molecular ions studied with FELs.
    • 4
      R. Moshammer: Time-resolved experiments in the XUV.
    • 10:30
      Coffee break
    • Correlated dynamics
    • 5
      Francis Penent: H- double photoionization and new (but also old) paths for electron spectroscopy with ions.
    • 6
      R. Thomas: Anions in astrophysics and perspectives for laboratory studies in FELs.
    • 7
      M.E. Madjet: Correlated electron-proton dynamics in the Zundel cation.
    • 12:30
      Lunch DESY Canteen (DESY Hamburg)

      DESY Canteen

      DESY Hamburg

    • Ion physics in natural environments
    • 8
      U. Bovensiepen: Electron dynamics in ice layers on metal substrates investigated by femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
    • 9
      P. Dugourd: VUV spectroscopy of bio-molecular ions.
    • 10
      T. Schlathoelter: VUV photofragmentation of protonated peptides.
    • 15:30
      Coffee break
    • New directions
    • 11
      U. Hergenhahn: Oportunities for the study of non-local autoionization (ICD) on ions
    • 12
      A. Müller: New ion-beam experiments with synchrotron radiation.
    • 13
      M. Drewsen: X-ray irradiation of single trapped ions.
    • Posters & snacks