Astroparticle Physics

Cosmic Reionizaton of the Universe by the First Stars and Quasars

by Sunghye Baek (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy)

Building 67, SemRm 10 (DESY Hamburg)

Building 67, SemRm 10

DESY Hamburg

In modern cosmology, the first sources of light in the Universe assumed to be form about 500 million years after Big Bang. This era - named by the epoch of reionization - has acquired increasing remarks over last decade in cosmology for several reasons. First, this era corresponds to the observation front today and we are collecting increasing data (the quasar absorption spectra, the 21 cm radiation, cosmic microwave background polariztion, Lyman alpha emitters, etc) to constrain the process of cosmic reionization. From a theoretical point of view, the study of cosmic reionization help us to understand the formation of the first cosmic structure and astrophysical objects as well as the transformation of the Universe from its smooth initial state to clumpy current state. In this talk, I will briefly review the cosmic reionization and introduce several observational methods to probing this epoch with currently available and forthcoming data.