Several new and existing physics experiments/facilities - future linear colliders, high intensity LASERs and FELs, interactions in crystalline lattices, heavy ion collisions and plasma acceleration - involve physics processes in ultra-intense electromagnetic fields. The field strengths seen by charged particles are a significant fraction of the Schwinger critical field (1.3x1018 V/m) at which real pairs are produced from the vacuum. It is of critical importance to consider interactions with such strong fields as precisely as possible in order to provide additional tests of our theoretical models and to stimulate the development of new experimental technologies.
The purpose of this workshop is to review the state of the art in strong field physics. Theoretical calculations, experimental tests and simulation of physics in high intensity fields will all be examined. There will be 3 days of talks including a keynote speaker, a Reception and a workshop dinner. The "early bird" registration fee is 160 Euros (200 Euros after 9th June). We welcome participation from all interested parties.
Physics in Intense Fields (PIF2013) is a followup workshop to the successful PIF2010 held at KEK in November 2010, and has strong links to previous workshops such as the Advanced QED methods for linear colliders held at the Cockcroft Insititute in March 2009 and the Workshop on Ultra High Intensity laser Nuclear and Particle Physics held in Trento in June 2008.