9–11 Jul 2013
Bulding 1C, DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Testing non-linear QED with Lasers - Experiments feasible now.

11 Jul 2013, 15:40
Seminar Room 4a/b (Bulding 1C, DESY Hamburg)

Seminar Room 4a/b

Bulding 1C, DESY Hamburg

Notkestrasse 85, Hamburg 22607
oral presentation Outlook


Prof. Matthew Zepf (Queens University)


The development of ultra-intense lasers has brought Physics in intense fields into sharp focus from a perspective of testing theoretical predictions - some quite longstanding - for the first time. Reaching a significant fraction of the critical QED field strength is still some way off for a real facility, however many possibilities exist with current technology or near-term achievable parameters and these will be the focus of the Presentation.

Primary author

Prof. Matthew Zepf (Queens University)

Presentation materials