9–11 Jul 2013
Bulding 1C, DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Strongly interacting matter: equation of state and transport properties from a gravity dual

10 Jul 2013, 16:10
Seminar Room 4a/b (Bulding 1C, DESY Hamburg)

Seminar Room 4a/b

Bulding 1C, DESY Hamburg

Notkestrasse 85, Hamburg 22607
oral presentation Strong Field QFT


Prof. Burkhard Kampfer (HZDR)


Employing the AdS/QCD correspondence the graviton potential is adjusted in a bottom-up approach. Lattice QCD data for the equation of state at non-zero temperature serve as input. Transport coefficients follow then without further assumptions or fine tuning.

Primary author

Prof. Burkhard Kampfer (HZDR)

Presentation materials