9–11 Jul 2013
Bulding 1C, DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Aspects of QED in an Intense Magnetic Field

10 Jul 2013, 17:10
Seminar Room 4a/b (Bulding 1C, DESY Hamburg)

Seminar Room 4a/b

Bulding 1C, DESY Hamburg

Notkestrasse 85, Hamburg 22607
oral presentation Strong Field QFT


Shang-Yung Wang (Tamkang University)


In this talk we will discuss interesting aspects of QED in an intense magnetic field in the context of nonperturbative QED. We show that thanks to the magnetic catalysis of chiral symmetry breaking (i) there is a few percent increase in the electron mass around $10^{15}$ Gauss, the typical magnetic fields on the surface of young neutron stars, and (ii) the magnetized QED vacuum is stable for all values of the magnetic field.

Primary author

Shang-Yung Wang (Tamkang University)

Presentation materials