Dead or Alive. Access to Research Data in Trustworthy Digital Archives

24 Sept 2013, 14:00
Aula FTU (KIT)

Aula FTU


Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen Germany


Dr Peter Doorn (DANS)


The massive increase of data production in all scientific fields poses the challenge of how to keep data accessible over time. This challenge is of course not new. In fact, some disciplines have about half a century of experience in selecting, documenting, managing, and preserving research data for re-use. There appear to be both differences and similarities in the problems, solutions and priorities of keeping research data alive for the long-term across disciplines. This paper will present a few examples based on the practices of data sharing, mainly from the humanities and social sciences. The added value of data archives has been demonstrated time and again, be it that choices have to be made about what to preserve: the costs of digital preservation are to be balanced against the benefits. Data re-use leads undoubtedly to new research and publications; sharing data is also a deterrent for sloppy data practices and outright data fraud. Sharing data puts demands on the data creator, the data repository, and the data user, for which quality guarantees and guidelines have been developed.

Primary author

Dr Peter Doorn (DANS)

Presentation materials