Computing Seminars

NFSv4.2 and Standard's Development / FedFS: The Federated File System

by Chuck Lever (Oracle), Tom Haynes (NetAPP)

SR 3 (DESY Hamburg)

SR 3

DESY Hamburg

For more than a year, is involved in the German "Large Scale Data and Analysis" Project. One goal of that initiative is to provide federated data and identity services, allowing scientists to access highly distributed data by just knowing a single endpoint and only providing a single credential. In this context we are happy to welcome Chuck Lever and Tom Haynes, who are involved in state of the art solutions for that challenge. Tom Haynes NetAPP NFSv4.2 and Standard's Development We'll look at how we are pulling in features to appeal to application developers to entice them to drive our customers to use NFSv4.x. Along the way, we'll come to understand the new features. Chuck Lever Oracle FedFS: The Federated File System The presentation introduces the Federated File System: a set of administrative protocols that link together separate network file servers into a single file namespace that looks the same on all filesystem clients. We focus on how FedFS uses features of the NFS protocol. An open source FedFS implementation for Linux is also described. Questions and discussion will follow. ===================== EVO/SeeVogh connection: ------------------------ Title: Computing Seminar Community: Terascale Option 1: - Go to - Log in and try to join the Computing Seminar meeting in the Terascale community - if you have to register to the community, the password is daisy2013. Option 2: (for registered users) - Follow the URL: Option 3: Phone connection - call +49 40 8998 1340 - enter phone bridge ID: 15 2987