HLT B-tagging DQM: The status and plans

DESY Hamburg

DESY Hamburg

Vidyo: https://vidyoportal.cern.ch/flex.html?roomdirect.html&key=PjJf8wUK1yam Extension: 10644658 Room PIN: 1111 EVO: Meeting Access Information: - Meeting URL SeeVogh R.N. http://research.seevogh.com/join?meeting=MsMiMI2u29DMDu9B9sDt9s EVO International http://evo.caltech.edu/evoNext/koala.jnlp?meeting=MsMiMI2u29DMDu9B9sDt9s - Phone Bridge ID: 659 9489 - Skype (tm) (World-wide) evo.phone See: http://evo.caltech.edu/evoGate/Documentation/extclient/skype/skype.html The modification key of the indico: btag
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