2–3 Jun 2014
DESY, Zeuthen
Europe/Berlin timezone

Upgrade of the H.E.S.S. I Camera Electronics

3 Jun 2014, 09:40
S1 (DESY, Zeuthen)


DESY, Zeuthen

Platanenallee 6 15738 Zeuthen Germany


Mr Marek Penno (DESY)


H.E.S.S. is a system of four 12-meter and one 28-meter Cherenkov Telescopes in Namibia. The large H.E.S.S. II telescope, inaugurated only in 2012, is the biggest of its kind and provides the system with the lowest energy threshold of all existing Cherenkov telescope systems. To allow for a full harvest of its physics potential, an upgrade of the 10-year old cameras of the small telescopes is required. The main goals of the upgrade are (i) to reduce the readout deadtime implied by the high trigger rate of the big telescope, and (ii) to reduce the failure rate that presently affects the system due to the aging of electronic components. We will therefore replace most of the electronic boards in the cameras in the coming two years, modernising the system with technology from the CTA era. We present the components that were developed and the status of the project.

Primary author

Mr Marek Penno (DESY)

Presentation materials