Update of MMHT PDFs

12 Apr 2016, 09:00
Auditorium (DESY Hamburg)


DESY Hamburg

Structure Functions and Parton Densities WG1 Structure Functions and Parton Densities


Prof. Robert Thorne (University College London)


We present continuing work on the the MMHT PDFs. We discuss the changes in the PDFs and predictions due to variation in heavy quark masses. We present in detail the impact of the final combined HERA cross section data, and examine the fit quality. We also highlight plans for the future, in particular the potential impact of data sets not included in the current fit, and of new theoretical calculations.


Update of MMHT PDFs.

Primary author

Prof. Robert Thorne (University College London)


Prof. Alan Martin (IPPP, Durham) Dr Lucian Harland-Lang (University College London) Dr Patrick Motylinski (University College London)

Presentation materials