ATTENTION: We have to do a maintenance on Thu 27 June 2024, 9:00 - 11:00 CEST (for details, please have a look at the IT-News page). Please finish your work in time to prevent data loss.

HZDR is developing a proposal for a new SRF LINAC-based user facility to replace or significantly upgrade the Radiation Source ELBE. The expiration for the facility is to allow new classes of experiments, which could not be conducted with any of presently existing facilities. The major component of the new facility is envisioned to be a set of IR/THz source. The development of the new facility allows complimenting the IR/THz source with an additional high power coherent VUV source, which would operate simultaneously with the IR/THz source and would present unique experimental capabilities for atomic and molecular physics and chemical physics. The workshop is dedicated to the discussion of the science case for such a source with potential users with the research interests requiring the new coherent VUV source.
Room 201/202, Build. 114
Bautzner Landstr. 400, 01328 Dresden