AMPEL Workshop: time-domain astronomy at DESY

SR1 (DESY Zeuthen)


DESY Zeuthen

Platanenallee 6, 15738 Zeuthen
Jakob Nordin (HU Berlin), Jakob van Santen (DESY), Marek Kowalski (DESY/HU)
The detection and multi-messenger follow-up of astrophysical transients is an important part of the science goals of many experiments that DESY participates in. Analyzing the resulting alerts in near real time involves many of the same steps for each experiment, and sharing some of these tasks could reduce maintenance burdens, simplify multi-messenger analyses, and increase the visibility of DESY as a center for multi-messenger astrophysics. In this workshop we will review current real-time analysis pipelines, plans for future observatories, and discuss the possibility of a common framework for working with transient data. All interested parties are welcome to participate.