Data Science QUareer Night

Seminarroom 2 (CFEL)

Seminarroom 2


Gregor Kasieczka (Institut fuer Experimentalphysik / UHH)

A data science career event connecting young researchers with physicists working on data science problems in industry. The target audience are PhD students and young postdocs, but younger students and more senior researchers are welcome as well. 

We will have short presentations on interesting data science problems in industry with enough time for discussion and networking.

We have following speakers confirmed:
Dr. Sergei Bobrovskyi - Data Scientist - Airbus 
Dr. Ansgar Thiede - VP Product Development - Blue Yonder
Dr. Michael Plümacher - Principal Data Scientist - Codecentric 
Dr. Andreas Jacob - Senior Data Scientist - OTTO Business Intelligence
Dr. Rutger Boels - Lead Data Scientist - Ramboll Management Consulting 
Dr. Matthias Mozer - Data Science Manager - Wayfair

This event is organised as part of the Quantum Universe Cluster but researchers from other areas are welcome as well.

Registration is now closed

The final schedule is given below.