26 January 2007
DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22603 Hamburg, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone

Satellite Meetings (Jan. 25)

Satellite Meetings 2007 on Thursday Jan. 25, 2007

FLASH User Workshop, 14-19h, bldg. 28c (FLASH Hall) (Program)

DORIS III "XAFS User meeting" 10-18 h, bldg. 2/room 2 (Program)

DORIS III "X-Ray Fluorescence at Beamline L" start 10 h, bldg 2/room 2 (Program)

DORIS III "Future Aspects and Developments of the Liquid
Scattering Facility at Beamline BW1" 13-17h, bldg. 25b/room 109 (Program)

DORIS III "(GI)SAXS User Meeting" 9-18 h, bldg. 69 (Laser Institute) (Program)

PETRA III "XUV Beamline User Meeting" 12.30-19 h, bldg. 1/room 1 (Program)

(You will find the buildings on the DESY map)

The dinner on Thursday evening after the satellite meetings will start at 19:00 h in the Annex to the DESY Canteen!