
  • Ankita Mehta
  • Annika Vauth
  • Artur Lobanov
  • Daniel Bick
  • Rainer Peter Feller

PhD Seminar on PP, APP, and GW of the UHH IExp

This PhD Seminar is organized within the Institute of Experimental Physics. The focus of this series is on Particle Physics (PP), Astroparticle Physics (APP), and Gravitational Waves (GW) and on related fields such as detector R&D and machine learning.

We had hoped and would have loved to be able to hold it in person. But we will still have to deal with Corona for a little while and don’t want to wait until we can all meet in person again. It will thus be a virtual seminar for the time being.

Procedure: The first 30min are devoted to the presentation, followed by a discussion. Since the audience is a mix of members from different groups within our institute, please make sure to also address people not directly from your field (i.e. avoid field-internal "slang" and give a bit of background information where necessary). Afterwards follows a rather casual get together.

Available time slots: Please add your name and (rough) topic to your preferred time slot on confluence or email us directly.

Contact: Should you have any questions (also to request access!) just send an email to one of the organisers: Daniel Bick, Artur Lobanov and Annika Vauth.

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