7–8 Apr 2009
Hörsaal (lecture hall)
Europe/Berlin timezone
This workshop is jointly organized by the dCache developers, the dCache competence center of the German grid initiative D-Grid, and the storage support group of the HGF Alliance 'Physics at the Terascale'. The main topics for this workshop are the migration to Chimera and ACLs; these topics will be covered in hands-on tutorials. In addition, there will be a presentation on future developments of dCache. As the number of participants is limited, we ask prospective participants to register as soon a possible. The registration will be closed automatically when the maximum number of participants will be reached. The hands-on tutorials will use dCache installed on a virtual machine. This virtual machine will run on the participant's laptop (i.e. a participant need to bring his/her own notebook to the workshop). The image of the virtual machine will be provided a few days prior to the workshop. The workshop fee is 40 Euros, to be payed in cash in Aachen.
Hörsaal (lecture hall)
28 D001
Physikzentrum RWTH Aachen Otto-Blumenthal-Straße (vormals Huyskensweg) 52074 Aachen