23 January 2013
Bldg. 99, CFEL, DESY
Europe/Berlin timezone
The aim of the workshop is to highlight the exciting possibilities for studies of fundamental processes involving ions and ionization that arises at the new light sources in the xuv and x-ray regimes. The workshop thus wishes to bring together scientists interested the physics of ions in a broad sense, from properties of isolated ions in the gas phase to the role of ions in natural environments. The workshop will be organized as a single day event on Wednesday, January 23rd 2013 as a satellite to the Photon Science users meeting (January 24-25), and will consist of four sessions with invited talks highlighting part of the field of ion physics relevant to the new light sources. The workshop will end with a poster session (sandwiches will be served) where we invite contributions from both ongoing and future research initiatives related to the study of ions at the new light sources in the xuv and x-ray regimes.
Bldg. 99, CFEL, DESY
Notkestrasse 85 22607 Hamburg
Confirmed speakers
Uwe Bovensiepen, Duisburg-Essen
Michael Drewsen, Aarhus
Philippe Dugourd, Lyon
Mohamed El-Amine Madjet, Hamburg
Uwe Hergenhahn, Garching
Fernando Martín, Madrid
Robert Moshammer, Heidelberg
Alfred Müller, Giessen
Francis Penent, Paris
Thomas Schlathölter, Groningen
Richard Thomas, Stockholm
Andreas Wolf, Heidelberg