SiPM Workshop

DESY Hamburg

DESY Hamburg

Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg
S i P M W o r k s h o p @ DESY Silicon PMs are employed in various applications in physics. A prominent application in particle physics is their use in the hadronic calorimeter for a detector at a future linear collider (LC). During the long time of R&D the LC HCAL group has collected vast experiences in studying and operating SiPMs, especially in test beam experiments. In the CMS Experiment at the LHC two communities are considering the use of SiPMs in detector upgrade projects. The CMS HCAL group plans to replace the present photon-detectors, the HPDs, with SiPMs. In this case the granularity of the readout can be increased, allowing weighting algorithms to be applied for a precise energy reconstruction. The CMS MTT (Muon Track Tag) group studies the possibility to enhance the muon trigger ability by a layer of scinitllators read out with SiPMs. This Silicon PM Workshop serves as a platform to exchange the experiences collected in the different communities. First the different applications will be presented and properties of various sensors discussed. Later possibilities for eventual contributions to the CMS upgrade projects through third party funding will be explored. Modification Password: SiPM Location: Seminarroom 4a is in the building 1 (maps are available at the DESY entrance and on the web), follow the signs through the building 1. EVO Information: Title: SiPM Workshop at DESY Description: Exchange of the experience with SiPMs in Particle Physics Community: DESY Monday: Meeting URL: /koala.jnlp?meeting=M9MIMi2e2uDIDl9t9nDD99 Phone Bridge ID: 1641954 Central European Time (+0100) Start 2010-02-22 08:30 End 2010-02-22 19:00 Tuesday: Meeting URL: Phone Bridge ID: 1641998 Central European Time (+0100) Start 2010-02-23 08:30 End 2010-02-23 14:00
  • Achim Stahl
  • Adriaan Heering
  • Alessandro Montanari
  • Alexander Kaplan
  • Alexander Tadday
  • Alexander Voronin
  • Alexey Stifutkin
  • Andris Skuja
  • Christian Soldner
  • Christopher Tully
  • Eduard Boos
  • Ekaterina Kuznetsova
  • Elena Popova
  • Erika Garutti
  • Felix Sefkow
  • Florian Wiest
  • Hans-C. Schultz-Coulon
  • Ilya Kudryashov
  • Isabell Melzer-Pellmann
  • Ivan Marchesini
  • Jacob Anderson
  • Jaroslav Zalesak
  • Jens Hansen
  • Jim Freeman
  • Julian Sauer
  • Kerstin Borras
  • Markus Merschmeyer
  • Matthias Stein
  • Mikhail Merkin
  • Olga Lukina
  • Oliver Grimm
  • Paul Papacz
  • Peter Goettlicher
  • Quirin Weitzel
  • Rainer Stamen
  • Roman Mizuk
  • Sebastian Weber
  • Susanne Jungmann
  • Thomas Kraehenbuehl
  • Tobias Harion
  • Tohru Takeshita
  • Uli Koetz
  • Volker Korbel
  • Yuri Musienko
  • Yuri Soloviev
  • Monday, 22 February
    • 08:30 09:00
      Registration / Dinner Payment / Travel Support 30m
    • 09:00 13:15
      Experiments with SiPM Semiar Room 4a

      Semiar Room 4a

      DESY Hamburg

      Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg
      • 09:00
        Welcome & Goal of the workshop 10m
      • 09:10
        SiPM for LC Calorimeters 1h 30m
        • Concept for LC HCAL (& ECAL) and technical challenges for SiPM 30m
          Speaker: Felix Sefkow
        • Testbeam Measurements & Concept for compensation of gain changes due to temperature & energy weighting results 30m
          Speaker: Erika Garutti
        • Uniformity studies and R&D for coupling of a SiPM to tiles without fibres 30m
          Speaker: Christian SOLDNER
      • 10:40
        coffee break (Registration / Dinner Payment / Travel Support) 20m
      • 11:00
        SiPM for CMS HCAL Upgrade 1h 15m
        • Concept for the HCAL Upgrade and technical challenges for SiPM 30m
          Speaker: Christopher Tully
        • Testbeam Measurements and concepts for compensation of gain changes due to temperature 20m
          Speaker: Adriaan Heering
        • Weighting for CMS HCAL 15m
          Speaker: Matthias Stein
        • Discussion 10m
      • 12:15
        SiPM for CMS-MTT 1h
        • Concept of the MTT in CMS and first tests 30m
          Speaker: Alessandro Montanari
        • Status of R&D and Simulations 20m
          Speaker: Markus Merschmeyer
        • Discussion 10m
    • 13:15 14:15
      Lunch break 1h
    • 14:15 18:40
      SiPM Characteristics Semiar Room 4a

      Semiar Room 4a

      DESY Hamburg

      Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg
      • 14:15
        SiPM for LC Calorimeters 1h 55m
        properties concerning saturation, recovery, temperature stability, radiation hardness, magnetic field etc.
        • KETEK sensors 30m
          Speaker: Florian WIEST
        • MPPC Sensors 30m
          Speaker: Tohru TAKESHITA
        • Comparison KETEK & MPPC sensors in uniformity studies 15m
          Speaker: Christian SOLDNER
        • PD Efficiencies for Hamamatsu and CPTA Sensor at INFN Roma-I 25m
          Speaker: Ekaterina Kuznetsova
        • Discussion 15m
      • 16:10
        coffe break 30m
      • 16:40
        SiPMs for CMS 2h
        properties concerning saturation, recovery, temperature stability, radiation hardness, magnetic field etc.
        • Sensors studied for CMS HCAL (Hamamatsu, Zekotec, etc) 35m
          Speaker: Iouri Musienko
        • Simulation for SiPM Response 25m
          Speaker: Jake Anderson
        • SiPMs for HCAL Outer (HO) Ring 0 30m
          Speaker: Jim Freeman
        • PDE measurements of SiPMs (MPPC & SensL) 20m
          Speaker: Alexander Tadday
        • Discussion 10m
    • 19:00 21:00
      Dinner 2h

      Restaurant Champus, Beselerstrasse 35, 22607 Hamburg

  • Tuesday, 23 February
    • 09:00 11:00
      Discussion on CMS Upgrade of HCAL OUTER & MTT and CMS HCAL Barrel Semiar Room 4a

      Semiar Room 4a

      DESY Hamburg

      Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg
      • 09:00
        Upgrade of CMS HCAL OUTER and MTT 2h Semiar Room 4a

        Semiar Room 4a

        DESY Hamburg

        Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg
        timelines, schedules, steps, possible collaboration of HCAL and MTT group for HO (esp. Ring 0)
    • 11:00 11:25
      coffee break 25m
    • 11:25 13:25
      Discussion on CMS Upgrade of HCAL Barrel Semiar Room 4a

      Semiar Room 4a

      DESY Hamburg

      Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg
      • 11:25
        Discussion on CMS Upgrade of HCAL Barrel 2h
        timelines, schedules, steps, possible contributions within a third party funding application (Helmholtz-Russia-Joint-Research-Group II, similar to CASTOR effort)
    • 13:25 13:30
      End of Workshop 5m