We would like to invite you to participate in an online workshop hosted by the Femtosecond X-ray Experiments (FXE) instrument from the European XFEL on probing chemical dynamics using hard X-ray techniques. The workshop will have presentations covering the following topics:

  • XFEL facility representatives with an overview of the ways researchers are using hard X-ray instruments to answer chemical, materials or biochemical questions using hard X-ray probes
  • XFEL management representatives with an overview of how facilities have encouraged chemical research using the various tools available to provide beam access (long-term proposals, standard configurations, scientific campaign proposals etc.)
  • research seminars from experienced researchers who have used a variety of XFEL facilities for their research
  • research seminars on topics of potential future areas of XFEL science

The workshop will finish prior to the European XFEL Town Hall online event where the Run 8 call for proposals will be discussed allowing attendees to participate in both meetings.

Chris Milne

on behalf of the Scientific Program Committee:

Sakura Pascarelli
Philippe Wernet
Federico Boscherini
Wojciech Gawelda
Kelly Gaffney
Thomas Elsässer
Julia Weinstein
Leif Hammarström
Elena Grachova
György Vankó

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Meeting ID: 928 7544 9697
Passcode: 385533

Meeting ID: 928 7544 9697 Passcode: 385533
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