8–10 Mar 2016
KIT Campus South
Europe/Berlin timezone

Challenging Methods in the Detection of fast Ultra-High Intensity of Heavy Ion Beams

Not scheduled
Bldg. 11.40, Tulla Hörsaal (KIT Campus South)

Bldg. 11.40, Tulla Hörsaal

KIT Campus South


Mr Steffen Schlemme (GSI / TUD)


Investigations of isotopes near the driplines, super heavy elements and analysis of other very rare isotopes keep require very high intensity ion beams.

Modern detection systems have to be developed and adapted to the high beam intensity and the highly radiative environment.
Challenges and solutions shall be presented and some of the on going research regarding high intensity beam monitors and time of flight detector systems.

Primary author

Mr Steffen Schlemme (GSI / TUD)

Presentation materials

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