19 November 2015
Campus Bahrenfeld
Europe/Berlin timezone

Information and discussion evening by the Clusters of Excellence CliSAP and CUI and the Collaborative Research Center Particles, Strings and the Early Universe (SFB 676)
- in cooperation with the Family Office of Universität Hamburg
The balance between scientific career and family is often a challenge. Especially limited work contracts, the necessity of regional mobility as well as the high publication pressure are some of the reasons which are depicted as obstacles for the decision to take on family obligations.
With the event “Scientific Career and Parenthood” the research centers and the Familienbüro at the Universität Hamburg wish to pick up on this topic and together with experts from the personnel department of UHH and the legal department of DESY provide an overview in English of the legal ramifications of limited work contracts (under the WissZeitVG) and their effects on claiming parental leave.
In the following panel discussion we would like to introduce you to four researchers and invite you to share with them their strategies on how they manage their career and family life, what support they receive and which obstacles they face. Subsequently you will have the chance for questions and further exchange. 
Please register on this page using the registration form in the menu.
Free Childcare will be provided in cooperation with the Studierendenwerk. Please contact Johanna.Schumny@Studierendenwerk-Hamburg.de  no later than 10. November, if you wish to take on this offer.
This event is a cooperation of Universität Hamburg's Research Centers  Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging CUI, Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction CliSAP, the Family Office, and the Collaborative Research Center Particles, Strings and the Early Universe SFB 676.
Supported by UHH and DESY.
Campus Bahrenfeld
SR I-II, Building 99
Luruper Chaussee 149 22671 Hamburg