23–24 Feb 2016
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Rapid Fermi-Surface and Fermi-Velocity Mapping Using ToF Momentum Microscopy

24 Feb 2016, 12:30
FLASH seminar room in building 28c (DESY Hamburg)

FLASH seminar room in building 28c

DESY Hamburg

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Notkestraße 85, 22607 Hamburg, GERMANY,


Prof. Gerd Schoenhense (University of Mainz, Inst fuer Physik)


The shape of the Fermi surface and the Fermi velocity vF as a function of direction in k-space are of high importance for the design of materials with tailored electronic properties. Moreover, the topology of the Fermi surface plays a crucial role in the existence of topologically non-trivial electronic states like the metallic states in the surface region of topological insulators. The novel experimental technique termed time-of-flight momentum microscopy has been applied for the first time in the soft X-ray range at P04. We determined the topology of the Fermi surface, the character of p- or n-type conductivity and quantified vF on the full Fermi surface for the model case of W.

Primary author

Prof. Gerd Schoenhense (University of Mainz, Inst fuer Physik)

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