23–24 Feb 2016
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Probing the electronic structure of magnetic topological insulator (BiSbV)2Te3 thin films with soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

24 Feb 2016, 12:00
FLASH seminar room in building 28c (DESY Hamburg)

FLASH seminar room in building 28c

DESY Hamburg

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Notkestraße 85, 22607 Hamburg, GERMANY,


Dr Thiago Peixoto (Universität Würzburg, Fakultät f. Physik u- Astronomie, Lstl. f. Experimentelle Physik VII)


We investigated the electronic structure of (BiSbV)2Te3 thin films by means of X-ray photoemission (XPS) and absorption (XAS) spectroscopy. This system is a three-dimensional magnetic topological insulator, recently reported as an anomalous quantum Hall system. The films were epitaxially grown on a Si(111) crystal and covered by a Se cap to avoid contamination during exposition to air. After thermally desorbing the Se cap, the core-level lines of the constituent elements and the V L2,3 absorption edges were measured for different V concentrations (0, 2 and 4 at.%). Our data evidence the incorporation of Se atoms in the film. By means of resonant photoemission we identify the signature of the V 3d states at the Fermi level, which may contribute to the exotic transport properties of the system. We show that our techniques are well suited for the study of the electronic properties of this novel class of materials.

Primary author

Dr Thiago Peixoto (Universität Würzburg, Fakultät f. Physik u- Astronomie, Lstl. f. Experimentelle Physik VII)


Dr Charles Gould (Universität Würzburg, Fakultät f. Physik u- Astronomie, Lstl. f. Experimentelle Physik III) Mr Christoph Seibel (Universität Würzburg, Fakultät f. Physik u- Astronomie, Lstl. f. Experimentelle Physik VII) Prof. Friedrich Reinert (Universität Würzburg, Fakultät f. Physik u- Astronomie, Lstl. f. Experimentelle Physik VII) Dr Hendrik Bentmann (Universität Würzburg, Fakultät f. Physik u- Astronomie, Lstl. f. Experimentelle Physik VII) Ms Henriette Maass (Universität Würzburg, Fakultät f. Physik u- Astronomie, Lstl. f. Experimentelle Physik VII) Dr Karl Brunner (Universität Würzburg, Fakultät f. Physik u- Astronomie, Lstl. f. Experimentelle Physik III) Prof. Laurens Molenkamp (Universität Würzburg, Fakultät f. Physik u- Astronomie, Lstl. f. Experimentelle Physik III) Mr Martin Winnerlein (Universität Würzburg, Fakultät f. Physik u- Astronomie, Lstl. f. Experimentelle Physik III) Mr Mohammed Al-Baidhani (Universität Würzburg, Fakultät f. Physik u- Astronomie, Lstl. f. Experimentelle Physik VII) Mr Stefan Grauer (Universität Würzburg, Fakultät f. Physik u- Astronomie, Lstl. f. Experimentelle Physik III) Mr Steffen Schreyeck (Universität Würzburg, Fakultät f. Physik u- Astronomie, Lstl. f. Experimentelle Physik III)

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