DESY Theory Seminar

Higgs-flavon mixing and h → μ τ

by Venus Keus (U Helsinki)

seminar room 2, building 2A (DESY Hamburg)

seminar room 2, building 2A

DESY Hamburg

ATLAS and CMS have reported an excess in the flavor violating decay of the Higgs boson, h → μ τ. In this talk I will discuss that this result can be accommodated through a mixing of the Higgs with a flavon, the field responsible for generating the Yukawa matrices in the lepton sector. We employ a version of the Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism at the electroweak scale, with only the leptons and the flavon transforming non-trivially under the corresponding symmetry group. Non-observation of charged lepton flavor violation (LFV) in other processes imposes important constraints on the model, which we find to be satisfied in substantial regions of parameter space.