27–30 Sept 2016
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Exploring the stop-bino coannihilation region with sbottom decays

29 Sept 2016, 15:00
Seminar room 4a (DESY Hamburg)

Seminar room 4a

DESY Hamburg

Notkestrasse 85, 22607 Hamburg


Dr Jiayin Gu (DESY)


A light stop with mass almost degenerate with the lightest neutralino has important implications on naturalness and dark matter relic abundance, and is hard to search at colliders. In this paper, we study the potential of searching for such stop particles at the LHC from sbottom decays, focusing on two channels with final states 2l+met and 1b1l+met. We found that, if the lightest sbottom has mass around or below 1 TeV and has a significant branching ratio to decay to stop and W, which are favored by naturalness and Higgs mass, a stop almost degenerate with neutralino can be excluded up to about 500--600 GeV at the 13 TeV LHC with 300 fb^-1 data. The searches we propose are complementary to other SUSY searches at the LHC and could have the best sensitivity to the stop-bino coannihilation region. They can also be easily implemented in the existing searches at the LHC.

Primary authors

Dr Haipeng An (California Institute of Technology) Dr Jiayin Gu (DESY) Prof. Lian-Tao Wang (University of Chicago)

Presentation materials