DESY Theory Seminar

Rescuing (very) low scale SUSY breaking in sgoldstino-less inflation models

by Lucien Heurtier (Brussels U)

seminar room 2, building 2A (DESY Hamburg)

seminar room 2, building 2A

DESY Hamburg

In this talk I will discuss how models of sgoldstino-less inflation can be motivated in a UV complete set up and explore to which point they can actually handle very low scale SUSY breaking, compatible with gauge mediation scenarios. I will thus present the constrained superfield formalism and its general features regarding its embedding in a UV complete framework. Then I will show why such a formulation is generically in tension with assumptions made about the inflationary and heavy UV completion sector, and does not allow so easily to ask for a very low supersymmetry breaking scale. Finally I will present a model where the UV sector mass scale is inflaton-dependant allowing to access (very) low masses of the gravitino at the end of the inflationary epoch while still ensuring a satisfying sgoldstinoless dynamics during inflation.