9–11 May 2017
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Workshop Program

Workshop Program

Venue: DESY Main Auditorium , Bldg. 5, DESY, Hamburg
Contact: christian.schroer@desy.de, ralf.roehlsberger@desy.de

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Session 1, Chair: Ralf Röhlsberger

14:00 Welcome, workshop overview and charge
Edgar Weckert (DESY)
14:15 PETRA IV Project
Christian G. Schroer (DESY)
14:45 Science with Coherent Hard X-rays
G. Brian Stephenson (ANL)
15:30 Discussion

16:00 Coffee

Session 2, Chair: Ivan Vartaniants

16:30 XPCS at diffraction limited storage rings - challenges and opportunities
Christian Gutt (Uni. Siegen)
17:00 Will the sources and computers ever catch up ? Measuring more, at finer detail in cells and
          tissues within damage limits
Chris Jacobsen (Northwestern)
17:30 NRIXS based imaging
Christoph Sahle (ESRF)
18:00 Zooming in on electronic self-organization in quantum matter
            Jochen Geck (TU Dresden)

18:30 Discussion

19:00 Dinner

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Session 3, Chair: Christian Schroer

9:00 The x-ray perspective on complexity of nanomaterials chemistry in solution
Dorota Koziej (UHH)
9:30 Catalyst characterization using synchrotron light - challenges and opportunities
Florian Meirer (Univ. Utrecht)
10:00 Present and future opportunities for understanding catalysts at work using synchrotron radiation
Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt (KIT)

10:30 Coffee

Session 4, Chair: Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt

11:00 Structure and dynamics of confined liquids
Markus Mezger (MPG Mainz)
11:30 In-situ X-ray imaging of nanomechanical devices
Robert Blick (UHH)
12:00 Unique opportunities for hard x-ray microscopy enabled by ultralow-emittance storage rings
Stefan Vogt (APS)

12:30 Discussion

13:00 Lunch

Session 5, Chair: Thomas R. Schneider

14:00 Synchrotron time-resolved crystallography: current capabilities and outlook for PETRA IV
Briony Yorke (UHH)
14:30 Towards the next generation protein microcrystallography
Masaki Yamamoto (RIKEN)
15:00 Opportunities for time resolved structural biology at PETRA IV
Dominik Oberthuer (CFEL/DESY)
15:30 Discussion

16:00 Coffee

Session 6, Chair: Stefan Vogt

16:30  Tender and soft x-ray sources for nano-spectroscopies and coherent imaging
           Luc Patthey (PSI)
17:00 PETRA IV Accelerator Concepts and Parameters
Ilya Agapov (DESY)
17:30 PETRA IV - The ideal source for high-purity x-ray polarimetry
Ingo Uschmann (Univ. Jena)

18:00 Poster Session

19:00 Dinner in canteen

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Session 7, Chair: Simon Billinge

9:00 Hard x-ray diffraction microscopy: a route to multi scale materials science
Henning Poulsen (DTU)
9:30 Structure Research at Extreme Conditions
Ulrich Schwarz (MPI CPfS)
10:00 Hard x-ray ptychography at diffraction limited sources
Manuel Guizar-Sicairos (PSI)

10:30 Coffee

Session 8, Chair: t.b.d

11:00 Nanostructure and short-range order: importance and challenges
Simon Billinge (Columbia Univ.)
11:30 Soft X-rays at PETRA IV: Exploring electronic and magnetic structures in multi-dimensions
Gisela Schütz (MPI-IS)

12:00 Discussion

12:30 Lunch & Departure