4–5 May 2017
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone
As part of the PETRA III extension, DESY has just completed a beamline (P24) dedicated to Chemical Crystallography. It is designed to provide excellent experimental facilities to continue the scientific activities at the former DORIS beamlines D3 and F1, also offering considerably enhanced X-ray beam properties for advanced experiments. The new beamline, which is now entering the commissioning phase, has two endstations: In the first experimental hutch the University of Hamburg is setting up a new 4-circle diffractometer in kappa geometry funded by BMBF Verbundforschung. The second hutch downstream is the home of the refurbished 4-circle diffractometer which was in use at the D3 beamline. The new beamline uses the radiation from a 2 m long undulator. Although an existing water-cooled monochromator will be used, the photon flux will be comparable to other PETRA III beamlines, however the energy tunability will be limited to energies above 15keV up to 44keV and a small range around 8keV. The workshop aims at presenting the design and capabilities of the new beamline and its instrumentation to potential users. The current status of the commissioning as well as the tentative time line towards first experiments will be discussed.
DESY Hamburg