16–19 Jan 2018
Zurich, Switzerland
Europe/Berlin timezone

A new CMS telescope for HL-LHC silicon detectors

17 Jan 2018, 17:35
ETH HG E 1.2 (Zurich, Switzerland)

ETH HG E 1.2

Zurich, Switzerland

Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz


Ms Nikkie Deelen (CERN)


For the High-Luminosity upgrade of the LHC the whole CMS Tracker Detector is scheduled to be replaced by a new system that can withstand a higher integrated radiation dose and can cope with a larger pile-up. Thus new tracker modules for both the inner and outer part of the detector are currently being designed and prototypes are being build. These have to be thoroughly tested at the expected high luminosity particle rates; for instance for PS Outer Tracker modules it is expected that they will see particles at 50 Mhz/cm2. Testing is done during beam tests where a dedicated telescope can provide reference tracks to match the hits found in the Detector Under Test. Currently there is no telescope available at CERN that can cope easily with these kind of particle rates and therefore it was decided to build a new high rate telescope within the CMS collaboration. It will be built using spares from the CMS Phase-1 Pixel upgrade. These can be operated easily with particle rates up to 200 Mhz/cm2 without significant data loss. During this talk the design of this new telescope will be discussed which is based on four planes on either side of the DUT consisting of two modules each. The active area of the planes will then be 64.8 x 16.2 x 2 mm2. By placing the modules close to the DUT the pointing resolution is expected to be better than 10 um. Lastly, as part of the design a custom version of the readout electronics will be produced for the telescope which will be part of the presentation as well.

Primary author

Ms Nikkie Deelen (CERN)


Dr Stefano Mersi (CERN)

Presentation materials