16–19 Jan 2018
Zurich, Switzerland
Europe/Berlin timezone

Hit, track and vertex reconstruction using multiplexed micromegas detectors in NA64

19 Jan 2018, 09:40
ETH HG E 1.2 (Zurich, Switzerland)

ETH HG E 1.2

Zurich, Switzerland

Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz


Dr David Cooke (ETH Zurich)


The NA64 experiment is a fixed target experiment at the SPS at CERN, searching for new physics using an active beam dump to detect missing-energy events. It employs a tracker based on multiplexed micromegas detectors, which presents a unique challenge with respect to reconstructing particle trajectories. In particular, the signature of dark photon (or alternatively $^8$Be anomaly X boson) decay to e$^+$e$^-$ pair requires the reconstruction of the decay vertex \textit{after} the beam dump calorimeter, where owing to a lack of hermiticity, additional particles may also be present. This talk reports on the progress towards reconstructing such events, using simulation and a test data set from NA64 2017 run comprising dimuon events (which have a similar experimental signature).

Primary author

Dr David Cooke (ETH Zurich)


Prof. Andre Rubbia (ETH Zurich) Dr Balint Radics (ETH Zurich) Dr Dipanwita Banerjee (CERN) Mr Emilio Depero (ETH Zurich) Dr Paolo Crivelli (ETH Zurich)

Presentation materials